Background verification (BGV)

Background verification

HR Daily Advisor’s contributing editor, Recruiting, Bridget Miller, says, “Resumé fraud occurs anytime someone intentionally provides false information on his or her résumé, presumably with the hopes it will make him or her more likely to be considered for a job.” Corporate investigations India has the following weapons to fight Resume/CV fraud and why it is one of the most preferred employee background verification companies.

ID check- Identity theft/Impersonation a perennial threat. Frauds are committed by people mostly on false IDs.

Verification obtained from the competent Issuing Authority belonging to the Govt. Zero-error verification of Passport/Aadhaar/PAN/Driving License, country-specific ID.

Address check (Physical visit)- It has been found that most scams and frauds could have been averted if the address had been verified.
Address check (Tech-enabled)- Without the need for a physical visit to the address, we are able to verify the details through various advanced technology and human interface tools. CII’s top-of-the-line, tech-enabled address check ensures contactless, fool-proof combo of tech & human interface address verification.

Employment check- Employee Background check is crucial to getting the right person for the job. A background employment verification helps catch significantly inflated previous responsibilities, salary, and tenure and uncover employment gaps. A background verification throws light on a person's skill level, knowledge, personality, experience, and work ethic.

Education/Qualification check- “18 Feb 2021 News in the Straits Times- The Ministry of Manpower is investigating 15 work pass holders here who had declared qualifications from Manav Bharti University in their work pass applications.”

“The Indian university in Himachal Pradesh state had sold 36,000 fake degrees over 11 years, the Times of India (TOI) reported earlier this month. Of the 41,000 degrees issued by the university, only 5,000 are genuine, a special investigating team in India had found.”

“In the past five years, an average of 660 foreigners each year were permanently barred from working here as they had submitted fake educational qualifications. An average of eight foreigners each year were also convicted and penalised for the false declarations.”

Court records – Employees are expected to be the most important assets of an organization. Let these employees not be liabilities, CRC among other BGV checks ensures these being assets. Records from each of the courts of law- SC, all HCs, state and district courts, sessions courts, municipal courts etc. are perused by Corporate Investigations India’s empanelled Legal firm. Such a report ably stands up to the scrutiny of a lawsuit, in case a lawsuit is filed.

Criminal background check in India (police). Another way to know the criminal record of a job candidate, if there is a history of criminal activity, is through the local and district police of the state.

Driving Licence verification- In India Driving License forging is rampant. CII’s DL verification is obtained only from the relevant Issuing Authority. Our verification report stands the test of a court of law.

CII’s Advanced Employment Verification- This check is recommended for sensitive, senior key positions. The job-candidate’s direct and indirect reporting supervisors’ deep-dive inputs are its USP.

Reference Check- Corporate Investigations India has time and again been able to discover fake references that a candidate provided. Reference check is a tool that is useful when done in conjunction with Employment check. It adds meaning when the reference provided by the candidate is either a supervisor or a senior-to-the-candidate professional in the same dept and organization.

Global Criminality database check- Checking out any criminal history of globally placed job candidates is through GCDB check. The database covers and records criminal-based activities by persons. Almost the entire globe is covered and data is updated to the last 48 hours. it proves the need to hire a background verification company in India.

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