⁠⁠Directorship Check & Dual Employment Check

Background verification
⁠Directorship Check

A directorship check is a crucial aspect of background verification. Takeaways

  • Identify the job-candidate’s existing partnerships, commitment/s that could compromise their loyalty to your company and decision-making.
  • Verify if the individual has been involved in any questionable business practices or has a history of directorship in companies with dubious records.
  • Assess the candidate’s financial management skills.
  • ⁠Know if the companies that the candidate was involved in as a director faced regulatory & compliance issues, fines, or penalties?
Dual Employment Check

Know if a candidate is also working for a competitor. Mitigate conflict of interest.
Reduce risk of Intellectual Property Theft and Data breaches, sensitive information breaches. Adhere to company policies, compliances.

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