
Blog Name 15 Sep, 2022
Typical and common frauds these days

  1. Phone number search. Whenever you are searching for a number on Google, several similar-looking organizations or links will come up. Carefully choose your link as it is here that several frauds will be lurking. And once you connect with them you will be lured to do your transaction by their smooth talking methods. Under no circumstances give them any information like bank details or OTP or any personal information.
  2. SMS Response. NEVER open any link that you have received by SMS. In all probability, it will lead you to fraud and your data will be hacked.
  3. Tempting offers links. Never open any such link giving you freebies like buy one get one free etc. Most of these are frauds.
  4. ATM Trawling. Be very careful while using your ATM Card. There are plenty of methods to clone your card and copy your PIN. Cover the area from all sides to prevent any hidden camera recording your PIN etc and particularly check the slot thoroughly before inserting the card for such like device.
  5. Credit & other Card swiping. Always swipe your card in your presence. Never allow the card to be taken away by the waiter/petrol pump assistant etc. It can be cloned very easily.
  6. Screen Sharing Apps. Whenever your screen is shared on Team Viewer or Any Desk or any other such app, be vigilant about what the other person is doing. Do not do any other work or else your data can get copied etc. While working with the other person on any screen-sharing app, all passwords must be typed by you and not allow the other person to type it in.
  7. WhatsApp. Your friend DP can be copied, and a WhatsApp account can be created. You will be under the impression it is your friend who is connecting with you. They will then ask you for money on some pretext and you will believe it and get cheated.
  8. Call Forwarding. This is dangerous and must be monitored. Do it for as little time as necessarily required only. Important things like OTP etc can be forwarded and your bank-related things are misused.
  9. Facebook. A fraudster can copy your details from your FB account including your photos, family photos, vacation photos, and other details. Then open another FB account on your similar name and defame / fraud you and your friends. They could extract money etc on a pretext or sympathy note etc besides pasting some fabricated picture. Or stating your gift is lying with Custom authorities and you need to pay so much etc to have it cleared.
  10. Phone Charging and Repair. Do not charge your phone in wayside public charging areas like some small shops etc. The cable connection will steal your data away. Instead, carry your Power Bank with you or use your own car for charging. Similarly do not give your phone to a wayside small shop for repairs. Give it to the authorized only.
  11. Sextortion. Avoid video calls except for totally trustworthy friends. Your picture from the video call will be warped and merged with some mischievous porn-type picture. Now blackmail starts or this picture gets viral.
  12. Electricity Bill Fraud. You may receive an SMS stating your bill is due and if you do not pay by today, your electricity will get cut. To pay now click on the link. To convince you they will charge you Re 1 as a trial and then whoosh, your money goes. Don’t fall for it. Your electricity will not be cut off without the electricity department giving you several notices.
  13. Pension / LIC. Do not pay or give any account details online.
  14. OLX / Medicine / Purchases.  Do COD instead of online payments unless you are positive you are on the correct link.
Safety. Observe the following precautions.

  1. Freebies. Do not fall prey to temptations like buy one get one free or such like.
  2. Do not log in from an unknown system, particularly in the market. If necessary, do so but ensure no sensitive information is communicated.
  3. Do not use the Phone number, Date of birth, pet name, car number, etc as a password anywhere.
  4.  Photographs in your phone all get packed in the Google Cloud. THIS INCLUDES COPY OF YOUR CREDIT CARD, DRIVING LICENSE, PASSPORT- ETC.
  5. Once a fraudster gets the password of your mail ID he will even get your OTP etc.
  6. Lock your phone with a strong password – should it get lost or stolen.
  7. Lock your SIM. Go to Settings and “Lock your SIM”.
  8. Do not share too much on social media. Your going out of the station, foreign trip, photos at the airport, etc till you return home. Why do you need to publicize your where about and people come to know that your house is unattended.
  9. Keep your Credit card and Debit card limits low. You can easily increase them when you require them and thereafter reduce them again.
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