The Pandemic has taken a toll on the human resource functions and is continuing to challenge it. This has made the use of technology an asset and tool which can be used for an employee background check. The old process of
background verification was a tiresome task. A lot of manpower was required on a single candidate and it was a paper-oriented process. HR used to find it very difficult because hundreds of candidates’ verification needed to be done in a short span of time. According to EY forensic and integrity service report –
Digital use and technology are fully leveraged in the employee background check nowadays. 22% of people agree that technology can be leveraged to digitize records. 66% of people are saying that they use a tech-enabled process for employee verification.
Rising negative background verification is also a cause of concern as out of all checks conducted on existing or new employees 10% or more were found to be negative.
Data also show that the Covid-19 outbreak made it difficult for employers to conduct background verification. Around 68% of the employer faced challenges in performing background verification of their new hires and only 32% leveraged technology to perform bgv checks. (Source of facts- ‘
Financial Express’ Dated- 18
th April 2022)
Benefits of Technology in BGV Checks:-
1. Accuracy and High Quality:-
Digitization of the background checks does eliminate the human errors while performing the bgv of a candidate. Using present-day technologies, more thorough and accurate background verification of the candidate can be conducted.
Also, the quality of the report can be top-notch when digitized.
2. Better Client-Service provider Interaction:-
With the help of technology, a portal can be developed with which communication between the service provider and client can be improved. This will also reduce the time and e-mails between client and service provider.
3. Privacy and Data security:-
Technology helps protect the privacy of candidates to a greater extent. Moreover, the document can be saved, transferred, and processed securely without any loss or damage.
4. Time conservation:-
Time is precious! We all know this and with the help of technology, hours can be saved while performing candidates’ background verification. The client just needs to add the information of the candidate in the portal of the service provider and the process of background verification starts immediately. Turn around time(TAT) an important factor in
bgv services is reduced.
5. Database checks:-
Nowadays every govt. organization has its online database and info from these organizations can be retrieved with the help of technology. This facilitates a thorough check of an employee prior to hiring.
Corporate Investigations India Pvt. Ltd. feels proudly states the use of technology for years in its BGV process. An elaborate portal for client and service provider relations in which both candidate and client can log in on need to know basis. All documents are uploaded by the candidate directly on the portal thus reducing time and interaction.
We care about our environment and hence are paperless. Clients too receive the reports digitally.